St Catherine's Catholic School

House System

Our Aims

St Catherine’s house system aims to give students a greater sense of community within a whole school environment. Students will have the chance to engage and interact with other members our creative and spiritual school by participating in numerous inter house events and activities that occur throughout the school year.


The House System

The house system is split into 4 different houses:

Within these houses there are 10 form groups, 2 from each year group from year 7 up to year 11. The names of the houses were introduced by the school council and voted for by the whole school, they are related to female saints who have empowered and enthused others before them.

The house system allows students to contribute to school life by taking part in inter house events which run throughout the year. Students sign up to take part in events, ranging from Maths challenges, Science events to sporting events such as Netball, badminton and basketball. Forms and houses are awarded points for taking part and winning. The overall points from both forms are added together to formulate an overall score, this score is then placed against the other houses. Points are awarded in the following fashion:

  • 1st Place – 1000 points
  • 2nd Place – 750 points
  • 3rd Place – 500 points
  • 4th Place – 250 points

Any merits that an individual student earns, be it for class work, home learning, participating in extra- curricular activities or any other points earned will all go towards the House Points total for the week.

Keep track of which House is in the lead each week in the Canteen. The more you get involved in at school, the more points for your House- take part and support your House!

Students who participate in events are awarded certificates to acknowledge their commitment to school life and their house, with the winning form given a prize.


Interhouse Events

There will be a number of inter house event happening throughout the academic year with 2 events per half term including:

  • Maths Challenge
  • Science Challenge
  • Talent Show
  • English Challenge
  • Geography Challenge
  • Sports day
  • St Catherine’s Day

Sports events will be played after school with a rotation of sports and year groups, sporting events will include the following:

  • Badminton
  • Netball
  • Basketball
  • Handball
  • Cross Country
  • Football
  • Volleyball
  • Bench Ball
  • Cricket
  • Rounders
  • Tennis

Student House Leaders

The role of the student house leader within the house system is a role carries out by enthusiastic, confident and well organised members of years 7-10. The students must apply way of letter to their house leader. They are then short listed for the interview process, and one students from each year group is then chosen to carry out the role.

Student house leaders have the following responsibilities:

  • Help out in inter house events
  • Assist in house assemblies
  • Encourage members of their house to participate in inter house activities
  • Run and maintain house newsletters with information on events and news.


Our Saints


St Adele was a daughter of King Dagobert II of Germany, became a nun after the death of her husband. She founded a convent at Palatiolum she became its first abbess (a woman who is the head of an abbey of nuns) and governed it for many years. Although Adele is not a patron Saint she became a saint because of her great belief in God.

On her feast day 24th December, Saint Adele reminds us that we need to always stay alert and open to God’s plans for us. Even though we may be following one path, God may give us a new way to share our gifts and talents.

St Adele’s Feast Day is December 24th.

Our Motto: ‘Do the impossible – Set fire to the rain’


St Angela Merici was born in Italy and dedicated herself to religious work as a young woman. Angela travelled to the north of Italy in her forties and sought to support young girls in leading a Christian life. When Angela was in her sixties she founded a group of women who served those in need and went out in groups to help transform society through the renewal of family life and Christian education. They called themselves the Ursuline’s because they believed St Ursula would protect them. They were the first teaching order of women religious, since that time almost 500 years ago the Ursuline community can be found throughout the world. She managed for most of her of life to become self-accepting and aware of life’s bleak realities without being defined by them. Angela is often pictured with an arrow which is the symbol for St Ursula’s martyrdom. The grapes she holds are symbolic of the blood of Christ and symbolises the group of women she drew together in such a unique and progressive way. St Angela is the patron of disabled and physically challenged people and illnesses.

On her feast day 27th January we think about Angela and her vision for education. Angela joyfully served others for the glory of God alone. Angela is celebrated as a woman of foresight and courage who enjoined her successors to make changes according to the needs of the time.

St Angela's Feast Day is 27th January.

Our Motto “If you believe it, you can achieve it.”


St Cecilia from an extremely rich family and was given in marriage to a young man Valerian. She believed an angel watched over her and once baptised, Valerian and his brother believed also. The two brothers buried the saints slain by the prefect to the city, Turcius Almachius. The two brothers were eventually arrested and brought before the prefect to be executed. After the loss of her husband and brother in law she focussed her time preaching and 400 people. She was arrested and sentenced to death. She was buried by Pope Urban and his deacons. St Cecilia is regarded as the patroness of music, because she heard heavenly music in her heart when she was married and is represented in art with an organ or pipes in her hand.

On her feast day 22nd November, we are reminded of St Cecilia’s courage and dedication to her faith. Music expressed her great love for Christ, and her joyful belief that God would watch over her. When we participate in music or any of the arts we can also praise God too.

We celebrate her feast day on November 22nd.

Our Motto “Hit the right notes to achieve your hopes.”


St Frances was born in Rome. Her parents wouldn’t allow her to become a nun and at twelve years of age she was married to a Roman Noble. St Frances lived an exemplary life as a wife and mother during difficult times of plague and war. In her later years she formed a community of Roman women who cared for the poor, sick and homeless of Rome and followed the ideals of the Benedictine order. She was known to travel the streets of Rome collecting donations and firewood for the poor. St Frances of Rome is the patron saint of motorists because of a story that an angel used to light the road with a lantern whilst Frances was on her travels thus protecting her from any hazards. She is also the patron saint of widows.

On her feast day 9th March, let’s ask her intercession for all those who feel trapped in their lives, particularly those who feel alone and need some support to spur them on to holiness. St Frances of Rome, pray for us!

Her feast day is the day she died, March 9th.

Our Motto “Students today, leaders tomorrow.”