St Catherine's Catholic School

School Council

Through the School Council at St Catherine’s, students exercise their right to give their opinions freely on issues that affect them, in the knowledge that adults will listen and take their views seriously.

United Nations Convention of Rights of a Child, Article 12

School Council elections take place at the start of each academic year. Tutor groups elect two representatives who will attend school council meetings and speak on behalf of their peers about issues, which are important to them and the school.

Eighty students are involved with the school council every year. School council meets on the following half-termly schedule.

Form Council Meetings: Chaired by Form Council Representatives during registration where all students can contribute their ideas.

Year Council Meetings: Chaired by her Junior Leadership Team attended by Elected Form Council Representatives.

Action Committees: Organised by Form Council Representatives, these can be attended by any student in the school. It is up to the students to organise and hold these meetings with the support of Miss Shepherd.

Student Behaviour Charter

The Student Behaviour Charter was written by students for students.


student behaviour charter.pdf

Community Code of Conduct

This was written by the students in School Council and appears in every student’s planner. Students sign this at the start of each academic year.

comunity code of conduct.pdf

School Council News

We are currently in the process of electing our School Council Representative for 2024 to 2025.

The new School Council Representatives will take over the project to create a school bus. The previous School Council organised a student transport survey and worked in their forms to write letters to be sent to TfL. They are currently in the very early stages of this project.