St Catherine's Catholic School

Staff List 2024-25

Title Surname Job Title
Mrs Thompson Headteacher SLT
Mrs Foucher Deputy Head (MFL) SLT
Mrs Kaur

Deputy Head (DT) SLT

Currently on Maternity Leave

Mr Looney Deputy Head (Media Studies) SLT
Mrs Cunningham Assistant Head & Chaplain (MFL) SLT
Miss Allen Assistant Head (English) SLT
Mr Taylor Assistant Head (Science/ Astronomy) SLT
Miss  Shepherd Assistant Head (Maths) SLT
Miss Konadu-Aboagye SENCO SLT
Mr Childs Data Lead SLT
Mrs Griffith Business and Finance Manager SLT
Mrs Addo Head of Design and Technology
Miss Awe Mathematics
Miss Bajrami English
Miss Banks Design and Technology
Mr Bremerkamp History and Religious Education
Miss Brown Science/Head of House
Mr Bundy Head of Modern Foreign Languages
Ms Catalan-Prestamo Modern Foreign Languages/Physical Education
Mrs Cernuschi Physical Education
Ms Cher History
Mr Considine Mathematics
Ms Cravid

Business and Computer Science

Mrs Darkowa Head of Computer Science / Psychology / Head of House
Miss Davis History
Mr Dogunduro Head of Business / Computer Science
Ms Elderfield History and Religious Education
Evans Art
Mr Fisher Head of Science
Miss Fookes Modern Foreign Languages
Miss Francis Head of Mathematics
Mrs Freeman Joint Head of Religious Education
Miss Hall Head of PSHE / RE / Head of House
Miss Holland Geography / Head of Year 8
Miss Holsgrove English
Mrs Husband Physical Education / Head of Child Development
Mrs Joanes Head of Music
Mrs Kelly Head of Physical Education / Head of House
Miss Kluth Science
Mr Lenihan 2i/c Science
Mrs Livandovschi
2i/c Modern Foreign Languages
Ms Lopez Geography Teacher
Mrs Loughnane Religious Education
Miss Man English
Mrs McDonagh Head of Humanities
Miss Monin Science / Intervention Lead
Miss Morris Geography
Miss Nadeem Head of Psychology / Science
Mrs Norman Religious Education / Cover Supervisor
Mrs Okoroji Head of English
Ms Okoh Drama
Mrs Pain Mathematics
Mrs Peters 2i/c Science
Mx Pheby Mathematics / Computer Science
Mrs Ramsay French Lead Techer
Mr Redmond Music
Miss Rice Geography / Head of Year 10
Mr Rogers English
Miss Rothon English
Miss Rus 2i/c Mathematics
Miss Sayer Physical Education / Head of Year 11
Mrs Smyth Mathematics / Head of Year 7
Miss Soubrier 2i/c Modern Foreign Languages - currently on Maternity Leave
Ms Walton 2i/c Religious Education
Miss Williams Head of Drama
Mr Woodall Head of Art      
Miss Woodhouse Head of ASDAN / Physical Education / Head of Year 9
Mrs Williams English
Mrs Woodcock Joint Head of Religious Education
Miss Zalanyi Science
Support Staff    
First Name Surname Job Title
Mrs Boyle PA to Headtecher and HR Manager
Mrs Winchester Finance Officer 
Mrs Hinch Data/Exams Officer
Mrs Wall Cover Manager
Mrs Kingston Administrative Assistant
Mrs Blake Administrative Assistant
Ms Gibson Receptionist
Miss Shippen Receptionist
Mrs Gurney Attendance Officer
Mrs Donnelly Librarian
Mr Young Communication Information Systems Manager
Mr Burls Network Administrator
Mrs Turner DT Technician
Mr Costea DT Technician
Mr Dart Senior Science Technician
Mrs Bridle Science Technician
Mrs Redgrave Cover Supervisor
Mrs Marshman Pastoral Centre Manager
Mrs Turner Wellbeing Centre Manager
Ms Corneille Learning Support
Mrs Banks Learning Support
Ms Edwards Learning Support
Ms Gorrard-Smith Learning Support
Mrs  Holcroft Cover Supervisor
Ms De-Souza Midday Supervisor
Ms Noonan Wood Midday Supervisor
Mr Cox Premises Manager
Mrs McMullen Operations Manager
Mr Gurney Assistant Premises Officer
Mr Campbell Assistant Premises Officer
Mr Meslek Assistant Premises Officer
Ms Fowler Counsellor
Ms Keen Counsellor
Mrs Mulroy Lead Counsellor
Ms Oke Counsellor
Mrs Bushell Cleaner
Miss Dobson Cleaner
Mrs Dobson Cleaner
Mr Dobson Cleaner
Mrs Gurung Cleaner
Mrs Kirwan Cleaner